Best Cat Bed in India 2023

Cat Bed - Analysis and Buying Guide - 2023

If you share your home with a feline friend, you probably know cats will sleep anywhere, so choosing the right cat bed is so important. It has to be enticing enough to encourage your cat to sleep on it instead of on your laptop, in the fireplace, or in that space between the sofa and the wall.

However, selecting the right cat bed is easier said than done. First, you need to know a bit about the types of cat beds on offer. Next, you have to take your own cat's likes and dislikes into account to try and figure out the type of bed he might want to sleep on.

Best Cat Bed in India

This guide will tell you what you need to know about cat beds and what to look for when selecting one for your kitty.

Types of Cat Beds

  • Enclosed Cat Beds

Pods, tents, caves and bins – any cat bed with sides and a roof falls into the enclosed cat bed category. Not only do they make cozy places to sleep, but they also provide a secret hiding place for your cat. They're great for nervous kitties or just cats that love to be in tight spots.

  • Reinforce Cat Beds

Booster cat beds are soft beds with raised edges. The edge provides support for your cat while sleeping and makes the bed slightly warmer. Booster cat beds can be round or rectangular. Small, round booster beds are ideal for cats that curl up into a ball to sleep.

  • Rug Style Cat Beds

Perhaps the simplest type of cat bed, rug-style beds are flat, padded rectangles or circles. If your cat normally prefers to sleep in a bag you've left on the table or perches on a piece of paper, she'll probably enjoy the simplicity of a rug. Large mat beds work well for cats that stretch out when they sleep.

  • Radiator Cat Beds

These cat beds hook onto the radiator to create a warm place for your feline friend to relax and sleep, which is ideal for cats who often choose to sleep directly on the radiator. If the radiator on which you hang the bed is next to a window, it also serves as a perch to watch the world go by.

  • Heated Cat Beds

Heated cat beds contain a heating mat or other heating element to warm the bed. Cats that snuggle up on your laptop keyboard, on top of the refrigerator, or anywhere else warm will love a heated cat bed. They are also ideal for older cats or sick cats that may feel more cold or have more trouble staying warm.

Considerations for Selecting a Cat Bed

  • Size

Most cat beds come in only one size, which is fine for the average cat, but if your feline friend is larger than most, you should review the dimensions of your chosen bed carefully. It's possible to find a larger cat bed if you shop around. It is also worth considering where you intend to place your cat bed, to be sure that your chosen model will fit.

  • Comfort

Think about your main concern when shopping for a new bed for's probably that the mattress is comfortable with adequate support for a good night's sleep. Why should it be any different for a cat? Select a bed with plenty of padding that your cat finds comfortable. You can even find memory foam cat beds that provide just the right amount of support for your cat when they sleep.

  • Heat

A cat bed can help keep your cat warm while they sleep. This is especially important if you don't heat your house all day in the winter or if you live in a large house with inadequate insulation that tends to get cold. Closed cat beds or models with high sides tend to be warmer than mats and other open cat beds. Well-padded models with cozy fleece are also better at providing warmth. For cats that are often cold, there is always the option of purchasing a heated or self-heated cat bed.

  • Color and Style

Your cat is unlikely to give much thought to the color of his bed, but you will look at it every day, so it's best to choose one with a harmless color and style. Of course, this comes down to your personal preference. Some people would love to have a pink leopard print cat bed in their family room, while others would prefer something more muted. Generally, grays, blacks, browns, creams, and other neutral colors are more versatile.


Consider how much hair your cat will show on your bed. A black cat bed might not be the best idea for a white cat, for example.

Be realistic about how often your cat will use your bed. There's no point in spending Rs. 3000 on a bed that your cat will only deign to sit on once. If your feline friend doesn't have a good track record when it comes to sleeping in their beds, it's best to opt for a cheaper option.

Purchase of multiple beds for multi-cat households. Cats can become territorial in the best places to sleep and they don't always like to share. Placing multiple beds around the same area can help.

Never force your cat to use his bed. Cats are naturally curious and will usually spot (and lay down) new additions to their environment in no time. Let your cat discover your bed in its own time; do not try to force him to use it. Gentle encouragement by placing toys or treats in his new bed can help.

Other Products We Consider

With such a large number of great cat beds on the market, it was extremely difficult to narrow down our list of favorites. We considered several other options that were very close to making our list. Mellifluous Soft Velvet Fabric Dual Color Cat Bed is like a cozy sleeping bag that cats love to curl up in. However, it can also be configured as a pod, cup or mat bed. Another great option is the Pawsome Luxurious Soft Cat Bed, a simple yet comfortable booster bed. The Slatters Be Royal Store Round Shape Cat Bed  comes in several stylish colors and is suitable for both cats and small dogs. Made from specially designed materials, it reflects your cat's body heat to keep it warm. 


Que. Can you buy a machine washable cat bed?

Ans. Although not all cat beds are machine washable, some can be thrown in the washing machine entirely. There are also many options with removable covers that can be washed in the washing machine. Although some exceptions can be made for the correct bed, we generally avoid choosing a cat bed that is not machine washable.

Que. Should I buy a full-size cat bed for a kitten?

Ans. Your kitten may be small, but it will grow quickly. Cats are usually almost fully grown in a year, so buying a smaller bed for a kitten seems pointless. Just buy a regular cat bed for her to grow on.

Que. Where should I put my cat's new bed?

Ans. Although cats do not like areas where there is too much noise or they are too busy, they like to interact with their humans while they are lounging around. We recommend placing your cat's bed in any room where they spend most of their leisure time, such as the living room, family room, or den. If you already know your kitty's favorite places to sleep, you can't go wrong by placing your cat's bed in a place where she normally likes to sleep or hang out.

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