Best Mortar and Pestle in India 2023 | Imam Dasta | Ohkli Musal | Idi Kallu

Pestle and Mortar - Analysis and Buying Guide - 2023 (Imam Dasta | Ohkli Musal | Idi Kallu)

The mortar and pestle is a simple tool that crushes, grinds, and pulverizes a wide variety of items, including food and medicine, and has been used since ancient times. When it comes to changing the consistency of numerous types of substances, this helpful tool and bowl duo is just as relevant today as it was tens of thousands of years ago.

Best Mortar and Pestle in India

Grains, spices, seeds, pills and more can be placed in a mortar and pounded with the pestle. These tools are made from materials such as ceramic, metal, and stone, and are built to withstand the wear and tear of repetitive grinding motions. Although mortars and pestles that are large enough to be placed on the ground and operated with two hands are still used in some countries, most consumer models fit in one hand and can be used on a table or counter.

Mortar and pestle isn't complicated, but you still want to make sure the pair you buy fits your needs and is built to last. Our five recommendations and the buying guide below will help you find the right one.

Key Considerations

  • How a Mortar and Pestle Works

As its name suggests, a mortar and pestle consists of two pieces. The mortar is bowl-shaped and designed to keep the contents contained while pulverizing and mixing. The mortar is cylindrical in shape, with a rounded top and sturdy construction to increase leverage. All you have to do is place the substance you want to grind into the mortar, grip the mortar firmly, and get to work. You can control the resulting consistency by how rigorously you maneuver the mortar and mace; a lighter touch with less force results in coarsely ground materials, while more rigorous strokes can turn ingredients into powders or pastes.

  • How to Use a Mortar and Pestle

Although today's cooks have many power options for chopping and grinding ingredients, there are still people who enjoy preparing foods such as herbs, spices, and vegetables by hand using a mortar and pestle. It can even be used to alter medicines, as the healers of yesterday did. Here are some ideas for putting mortar and pestle to good use:

  • Grind your own fresh herbs and spices that grow in your garden.
  • Make homemade guacamole and salsa.
  • Mix the ingredients for a delicious pesto sauce.
  • Chop walnuts to use as a dressing or to add to recipes.
  • Combine and grind the ingredients for the hummus.
  • Make a traditional curry paste.
  • Turn clove shoots into a powder for pumpkin pies and breads.
  • Pills to crush people and animals.
  • Mix mint and other herbs for cocktails.

Characteristics of Mortar and Pestle

  • Materials

Stone : Granite, marble, and agate are the most popular types of stone used to make mortars and pestles. Granite tends to have a rougher finish, making it more suitable for grinding small pieces that can slide on the slippery surfaces of marble and granite.

Metal : Although some models are made from base metals, stainless steel is the most popular for its durability and resistance to wear and corrosion. Cast iron mortars and pestles aren't that common, but they are designed for heavy use.

Wood : Wood mortars and pestles are not as durable as other options. They are the most porous and can absorb oils, odors and flavors. However, wood earns praise for being natural, easy to use, and less heavy to handle than other materials.

Ceramic : This material is also somewhat porous, and is best for small tasks like grinding pills and seeds.

Porcelain : More durable and less porous than ceramic, porcelain's smooth surface makes it easy to clean. It can be difficult to crush small, slippery objects with a porcelain mortar, but it's a great tool for preparing wet or oily ingredients.

Some models also have plastic or silicone coated bases and handles that improve traction and grip.

  • Size

Mortars and pestles are available in different sizes to accommodate different needs. Smaller models with 2.5- to 3-inch mortars are best for small tasks, such as grinding pills, herbs, spices, nuts, and seeds. Larger options range from about 3.5 to 8 inches, and are best for preparing salsa, pasta, salsa, guacamole, and similar dishes. Note that these measurements represent the diameter of the mortars, but the corresponding pestles are sized similarly in length for workable balance. The depth of the mortars varies, but typically ranges from 1.5 to 6 inches high.

  • Weight

Most mortars and pestles feel solid and strong, because the work they're built to support requires pressure and friction.

  • Base

The base is designed to prevent the mortar from slipping while the substance is ground with the mortar. The wider bases are best suited for tasks that require more rigorous grinding, such as nuts and grains. Some mortars have narrower bases, like those for individual feet or legs, and are better for working with softer ingredients.


Always rinse a new mortar and pestle before using it. Between uses, clean it thoroughly to avoid accidentally transferring particles from the previous item that you crushed the next time you use it. Avoid using soapy water on rough or porous stone surfaces, as the odor and taste can linger and transfer to the food.

Do you have arthritis, tendinitis or other physical problems that affect your grip? Look for a mortar and pestle with a soft silicone coating on the handle that makes it more comfortable to use.

A mortar and pestle are useful for crushing pet medications, especially for dogs and cats that are stubborn about taking pills. Once crushed, they can be easily mixed with wet food.

If you use a mortar to grind pills for humans or pets, only crush one dose at a time and clean the implements. This will keep your dosages accurate, which is important when taking medication.

If you plan to use a mortar and pestle frequently to prepare ingredients for different dishes, you can invest in two sets — a small one for herbs and spices, and a larger version for larger portions and moist ingredients.

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