What to do for Patchy Beard?

Don't you hate it when you see all your “bros” showing off that full, awesome, thick beard while your beard looks like a freshly cut lawn?

Unfortunately, not all of us have the same genetics or luck.

Almost all men, especially those between 18 and 25 years old, have the problem of having “patches” or gaps in the beard where facial hair does not grow as fast and/or thick as we want.

Some guys effortlessly grow beards that even have hair coming out of their nostrils and others of us keep up this constant struggle to fill in the gaps to no avail. Genes play an important role and may be playing against ourselves.

What to do for Patchy Beard

Although genes are largely to blame when it comes to growing a full, dense beard, all is not lost and hope dies last. There are a few things you can implement immediately to grow your beard to its full potential.

These tips will not only help grow your beard, but will also make you look like a new, more masculine version of yourself and be more successful at attracting the opposite sex. One of my Friend also face this type of Patchy Beard problem but later after years he grows very beautiful thick beard.

5 Easy Ways to Fill in a Patchy or Hollow Beard

1. Patience Brother! A Good Beard Takes Time

Be patient brother! You need to grow your beard until the patches are gone. Personally, I didn't think I could grow a good beard, I thought it would be patchy and look bad, but when I grew it out and the hairs grew, it started to look fuller and denser.

After a few months, my patchy beard transformed into a lush mane. The main reason why we have a patchy beard is because the hairs grow at different rates.

Remember, you must be patient and let time do its thing. When your beard begins to fill in, you can go to the barber to balance it and trim the long parts. As your hair begins to grow longer and longer, your beard will appear fuller than you ever imagined.

We recommend that you let your beard grow for at least 3 months.

2. Accept your beard as it is.

On many occasions, the worst critic of a person is himself.

If you are that person who spends time in the mirror wishing he had that full, full beard. You must remember that no one but yourself examines that beard so thoroughly.

  • Remember that the impression we have of ourselves is reflected outwards.
  • No one but you is responsible for wearing a beard proudly and safely.

3. Healthy Body and Mind = Healthy Beard

Although it sounds like a commercial, exercising regularly is key to good facial hair growth. According to scientific studies, exercising increases testosterone levels which has been key to healthy beard growth.

  • If you have the habit of exercising you will get:
  • Increase in testosterone levels
  • Increased metabolism, which can stimulate facial hair growth
  • Body recovery, which helps to replenish hair and skin.
  • Maintains an active lifestyle
  • Improves mood and self-esteem, which should be your number 1 priority and after that comes beard growth

4. Diet Rich in Vitamins and Nutrients

Just like exercising, eating right leads to thicker, healthier hair. You should consider taking the time to prepare your food so that you receive through food the necessary nutrients to support your beard growth.

We know that it is not easy to follow a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, however, if you have been eating well for some time, you will see drastic changes in the size, density, thickness and health of your beard.

We recommend consuming foods rich in vitamins such as:

  • Green Vegetables
  • Avocado
  • almonds
  • Salmon

5. Try a Beard Growth Balm

We know that the daily rhythm of life brings with it long hours of work, little time to exercise and little time to plan/follow a diet, coupled with little time for sleep and rest.

This is where you can find the quick and easy way to a full beard.

A good growth balm can make a world of difference to your beard.

The right thing to do to fill those gaps in a simple way is to invest time in applying it every day (preferably at night).

Check that it is a quality product, supported by health institutions and with reviews from people who have used the product.

We recommend the new minoxidil-based improved formula called NOXIDIL-TS® 5%, which contains argan oil with a high presence of antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamin C and E, thus providing intense nutrition. The function of these antioxidants is to restore the natural metabolism, improve the condition of the skin and allow the growth of hair on the surface of the face.


You will not know the potential of your beard unless you stop shaving for at least 3 months.

Be patient, drastic changes do not happen overnight. Stay active by exercising and start cultivating good eating habits to ensure facial hair growth to its fullest potential.

Remember that we are what we think of ourselves, so wear your beard proudly.

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