Best Electric Bicycle in India 2023

Electric Bicycle - Analysis and Buying Guide - 2023

Electric bikes, once rare, are now commonplace. That's good from a consumer standpoint, but with so many machines available, it can be difficult to choose the right model.

What you need is someone who can unravel the complexities, explain the jargon, and give you clear, unbiased advice. At Real Indian, answering buyers’ questions is what we're here for!

Best Electric Bicycle in India

Most consumers want an e-bike that fits their motor without being too heavy and remains stable despite its electronic components. Some consumers want only the most basic features of an e-bike, including lights, a cargo rack/basket, and a water bottle holder. Others focus more on safety features, such as the type of brake. And others care about comfort and portability.

The following report will guide you through your different options and advise you on how to choose the best electric bike for your needs.

If you want to learn more about electric bikes, read on.

Advantages of the Electric Bicycle

Avid cyclists might consider e-bikes the lazy alternative, but that's a pretty narrow view. An electric bike can be a blessing in many situations.

Electric bicycles offer the possibility to get out and enjoy the countryside for those with low lung capacity (asthmatics, for example), or a reduced level of physical fitness. Even those who are moderately fit can appreciate some help going up hills.

Electric bikes are a convenient mode of transportation for busy adults who are towing a buggy full of kids or picking up a few grocery items.

Electric bicycles are an ecological alternative to driving a vehicle. Studies conducted in various towns and cities show that the average speed of cars in rush hour traffic can drop as low as 18 to 20 miles per hour. The speed of electric bikes can be up to 15 mph. With an electric bike, you can reduce pollution, improve fitness and arrive at the same time as your colleagues in the car.

How does an Electric Bike Work?

The basics of an electric bike are simple. The electric motor drives it, a battery supplies the power, and a throttle provides control of speed and ground speed; although not all electric bikes have a throttle. The difference lies in how these components are arranged and what help they provide.

The first electric bike was a regular bike with an electric motor and battery. Today there are still kits that allow you to create this configuration.

As e-bikes became more popular, dedicated models were developed. Most of them still look a lot like ordinary bikes, but now they're built with the motor and battery as an integral part. Today electric bikes are better balanced and more efficient than ever.

The Technology of the Electric Bicycle : The Motor

There are three different types of e-bike motors available: brushed motors, brushless motors, and friction motors.

  • Brushless E-Bike Motors

Brush motors are common because they are durable and fairly cheap to produce. However, modern brushless motors are lighter, smaller, and more powerful than brush motors, and can be nearly silent. E-bikes with brushed motors cost more but are maintenance free. As a result, most electric bikes now have a brush motor.

  • Friction Motors for e-bikes

In a friction drive motor, a small, solid wheel rotates against the side of the tire to drive it. Early motorcycles used the same concept, with an engine mounted above the front wheel. The problem is that the drive motor rubs on the side of the tire. It's inefficient, and quickly wears down the side. Tires must be replaced every two hundred kilometers. For this reason, you will rarely see electric bikes with this type of drive.

Where is the motor of an Electric Bicycle Located?

An electric bike's motor mounts in one of three places: the front hub, the crank (where the pedals are), or the rear hub.

Although there are rear wheel versions, most e-bike conversion kits are for the front wheel. They are easier to mount. However, they change the balance of the bike, and the brakes also need to be upgraded to cope with the added weight. We are not aware of any front hub motors on electric bikes built for this purpose.

Mid-mount cranks produce the most bike-like feel, because the pedal crank rotates and drives the chain, just like pedaling. The cranks are efficient in transmitting power, which makes them popular, especially for fast and off-road electric bikes.

Rear axle motors are also popular. Some owners suggest they make the rear of the bike feel a bit heavy (the battery is usually back there too), but the balance is still good. In many ways this is rear wheel drive like you get with a scooter or motorcycle. The rear hub looks bigger than usual, but in profile, it looks a lot like a regular bike.

How much Motor Power does an E-bike have?

Engine power varies and may be restricted depending on whether it is used on or off road. A typical electric motor for a road bike will deliver between 250 and 600 watts.

The most powerful off-road model we found in the course of our research had a power rating of 6,000 watts.

Torque is a consideration, but actual figures are rarely quoted by bike manufacturers. Owners will often comment on whether or not their electric bike offers a lot of torque, but these comments should be taken in context. Road conditions, as well as the weight of the rider, have a big impact.

The Technology of the Electric Bicycle : The Battery

Lithium-ion batteries are almost always used in bicycles. Although they cost more than nickel-cadmium batteries, they produce more power from the same size unit and stay efficient longer.

About 90% of electric bikes are powered by standard lithium-ion batteries, but there have been further developments in the technology. These developments include lithium ion polymer batteries, lithium manganese batteries, and lithium cobalt batteries.

Lithium-ion polymer batteries have the same electrical properties as standard lithium-ion batteries, but the material can be more easily molded. There is the potential for some interesting designs, although we haven't seen them yet.

Lithium-manganese batteries are used in the latest Nissan Leaf electric car. They are claimed to generate more power and last longer. The new Leaf has twice the range of its predecessor, but we've seen these batteries in very few (and very expensive) electric bikes so far.

Lithium cobalt batteries are said to be lightweight and offer long range, although they are not in common use.

Battery Charge and Battery Life Expectancy

Charging an e-bike battery is simple; it requires nothing more than a power outlet.

How long or how far an electric bike battery will run between charges is impossible to judge with much precision. There are too many variables: terrain, speed, rider weight, bike load (shopping, kids, luggage) and more. However, we can make some generalizations about the charging time of e-bikes and working life in general. These generalizations should be used for comparison purposes only.

Cheap batteries are available, but they can take six hours or more to charge and have a lifespan of around 500 charges.

High-quality batteries charge in two to four hours and can last up to approximately 1,000 charges.

The above generalizations should be used for comparison purposes only.

Electric Bike Technology : The Accelerator

The last e-bike component we are going to discuss is the throttle. Some e-bikes use levers like those found on some lawn mowers. Some only have one button, but most use motorcycle-style twist grips. These give a positive feel and more precise control.

Notably, quite a few electric bikes do not have any type of throttle. Instead, sensors judge the effort required to pedal and, at a predetermined level, the motor kicks in.

The bottom line is that these are “pedal-assist e-bikes,” also known as pedelecs. They help you when the going gets tough, but they don't provide constant energy.

Choosing your Electric Bike

We've talked about technology, but how does that translate to road use? How to choose the best electric bike for your personal needs?

No bike is perfect for every situation, so you have to think about what you'll be riding most of the time. Will you use your e-bike to go to work and/or shopping? For leisure rides? Serious off-road commuting?

You'll also want to ask yourself a few other questions. How far do you plan to travel on your e-bike? Will it transport you to a destination in your vehicle, or will your journeys always begin at home?

Are you hoping to get some exercise on your e-bike, or do you want a full-time electric ride? And do you want to buy an e-bike that provides you with information and feedback on the ride?

How Far Can you go on an E-bike?

In terms of how far you can go, there is a big difference between a pedal-assist electric bike and a full-time electric bike. If you're up for pedaling and just need help on hills, you could get 50-100 miles on a single charge with the first one.

If you ride an electric bike full-time, the distance you cover on a single charge will drop considerably, although precise figures are hard to come by. Manufacturers will quote anywhere from 20 to 40 miles, while simultaneously using phrases like "in ideal conditions."

Whether the terrain is flat or hilly influences how far you can go, as well as the weight of the bike, your own weight, the gear available on the bike, and how much juice you give it. We suggest that a distance of 12 to 25 km is a realistic expectation. Of course, if you're prepared to do at least some pedaling, you can extend it dramatically.

A Note on Regenerative Braking

Some electric bikes incorporate a technology that began in racing cars: regenerative braking. When you brake, you create energy. That energy can be harvested and returned to the battery, prolonging its life. Regenerative braking has only just been introduced to electric bikes, but it is certainly something to watch out for.

What Characteristics of the e-bike are Most Important?

There are styles of e-bikes to suit everyone, and it's nice to have plenty of options when shopping. Here are some features to consider when selecting an electric bike.

Gears :

An electric bike with multiple gears is easier to pedal and can reduce battery drain.

Size :

Some e-bikes seem a bit small, but if you're going to drive to the edge of town and do the last couple of miles, a lightweight, foldable model that you can easily fit in your trunk has definite advantages.

Foldability :

Not all folding e-bikes are small. Some full-size electric bikes with standard 26-inch or 27.5-inch wheels can be folded to fit in compact spaces. However, before you buy a folding bike, make sure you don't know the weight of it. "Foldable" doesn't always mean lightweight.

Frame :

Bicycle frames are usually made from a lightweight aluminum alloy, but magnesium alloys and carbon fiber composites are also available (though not common). Weight reduction helps extend range.

Seat :

How is the seat? If you are going to be spending a lot of time on your electric bike, a good seat with padding and springs adds comfort.

Trip Computers :

A trip computer gives you everything from speed and distance traveled to battery status.

Riding Position :

You may also want to check the riding position of an e-bike  before investing in it. For short rides the riding position may not make much of a difference, but for long rides the upright "Dutch" style with retractable handlebars is very comfortable – particularly for tall riders. The same goes for mountain bike styles, although these bikes are often not designed to really go off-road.

Brakes :

Caliper brakes (the kind found on ordinary bikes) are common on e-bikes, but disc brakes offer better stopping power. However, in wet conditions, initial braking may be reduced when water is first wiped off the disc. It's a minor thing, and you soon get used to it.

Batteries :

Battery packs can be placed in all sorts of different positions, but often, they are attached to a shelf behind the rider. If you plan on bringing something, this setup could be problematic.

Lights :

Good e-bikes integrate lights into the power circuit so you don't have to worry about separate batteries.

Tires :

Some e-bike tires are reinforced. They last longer and reduce the chance of a puncture.

Weight Capacity :

Most electric bikes quote a maximum weight capacity. This is important if you are larger than average.

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