Best Musical Toys in India 2023

Musical Toy - Analysis and Buying Guide - 2023

Music is one of the most powerful tools we have. It can elevate moods, sharpen concentration, inspire, and even physically change the brain to encourage growth and development. Incorporating musical toys into your child's play can have such a powerful impact that the positive effects could last a lifetime.

The best musical toys engage curiosity and encourage creativity, allowing your child to explore and grow at their own pace. They should be age-appropriate, so there are no safety issues, and challenging enough so your child doesn't lose interest too quickly. And don't forget that musical toys should be fun!

If you're ready to shop, we've listed a number of high-quality musical toys in our buying guide. Read on to learn more about the benefits of musical toys and how they can help your child excel in life.

Best Musical Toys in India

Key Considerations

  • Security

The most important aspect of any toy for a young child is safety. Avoid toys with small parts, toxic materials, sharp edges, strings, threads, or ribbons. Ideally, a toy should also be light.

  • Attractive Design

Colors, shapes and themes play a vital role in attracting your child's interest. If the musical toy doesn't have something that makes it stand out from the others scattered on the floor, it won't be used.

  • Complexity

Always choose a toy that is age appropriate. An overly complex musical toy can quickly frustrate a child and cause her to put it aside until she is old enough to appreciate it better. Conversely, a musical toy that is too simple may never have a chance to be a favorite.

  • Active vs. Passive

Do you want a musical toy that requires the child to do something that directly results in a specific sound, tone or song? Or do you prefer a toy that just plays full songs without the child having to perform a specific task?

  • Variety

After a musical toy captures a child's attention, they must be able to hold that interest. A variety of sounds, melodies and activities will help ensure a musical toy has a long and purposeful play life.

Music Toys by Age

Babies develop at different rates. In most cases, being a little behind or ahead is nothing to worry about. To help you choose a musical toy that will keep your child engaged and developing, here are some general guidelines to help you be aware of your child's interests, abilities, and potential at different ages, along with some examples of musical toys that would be appropriate.

  • From Birth to Six Months

During the early stages of development, babies are not mobile, so they explore by looking at and reaching out their hands and feet. Your baby will turn his head toward a sound. The best musical toys at this age are a rattle or an unbreakable mirror that also makes noise. A musical crib mobile to watch can also be a good idea, but as soon as your baby starts to sit up, the crib mobile has to go.

  • Six to 12 Months

At this age, babies begin to explore their world more because they can roll over, move around, and get up. Your baby will become more dexterous with her fingers and begin to understand cause and effect, so a musical toy needs a little more variety than a rattle. A sensory plush toy or cube or other object with different musical features and buttons arouses curiosity. A play mat that makes sounds or a musical ball that stimulates movement are also examples of musical toys that would be appropriate at this age.

  • 12 to 24 Months

From 12 to 24 months, development is phenomenal because your baby can now explore by walking and climbing. Imagination and creativity are on the rise, so toys that encourage growth and development in these areas are a good idea. Toys with numerous dials, buttons, switches, and lids, as well as a keyboard with a variety of sounds and songs, can be beneficial at this age. Books begin to be objects of fascination and exploration during this time, so it is the perfect opportunity to introduce others that include buttons that play songs and sound effects to enhance the story.

  • Two or Three Years

During these years, your young child can do more complex activities that involve both hands. She likes to dance and begins to develop a more personal relationship with music. Musical toys that include a puzzle element or that allow your child to mix and match different sounds are great choices, as are toys that play songs. Musical toys that rely on physical actions, such as the xylophone or the drum, are good, simple musical instruments that can be used with adult supervision. Children are more social at this age, so this is a good time to introduce musical toys that involve playing with parents or other children.

  • Three and Up

At this age, musical instruments and complex musical concepts can begin to be introduced. A child can begin to learn piano or violin by imitation, but an instrument such as a recorder, which involves specific fingerings to produce different pitches, can be learned as early as preschool.

How Sound and Music affect your Baby

When your baby plays with a musical toy, she is not only learning by doing, but she is also affected by the notes, rhythms, and sounds that the toy makes. Below are some elements of sound and music that she should carefully consider when choosing a musical toy for her child.

  • Soothing Sounds :

Musical toys with soothing, soothing sounds can reduce stress and even put your baby to sleep.

  • Simple and Happy Melodies :

Musical toys with bright and happy songs can lift your child's mood and enhance her play experience.

  • Surprising Noises :

When it comes to babies, an unexpected sound is no fun. In fact, it can add stress to your child's games. Play toy instruments gently for the baby.

  • Variety :

Routines can give a child a sense of comfort and security, but variety allows them to explore and grow. Look for a musical toy that offers a variety of songs and sounds.


Que. At what age should I start introducing music into my baby's life?

Ans. While still in the womb, after only 16 weeks, a baby begins to respond to sounds. At 24 weeks, rhythm and tone can affect the baby's heart rate. That's why playing music while your child is still in the womb can have such a profound effect.

Que. What is the best age to introduce musical toys?

Ans. The toddler years are the most exciting time to introduce your child to music. Starting at 15 months, your child can begin to associate sounds with actions, the two crucial elements needed to play a musical instrument. A musical toy introduced at this critical age can help a young child develop creativity, language, memory, and emotional intelligence.

Que. What can I do to help?

Ans. The best thing you can do is simply integrate musical activities into your child's daily routine. Sing calm songs before bed and listen to more kinetic music during the day. Observe to see what your young child is attracted to and explore. Many great musical artists remember a childhood full of songs and music.

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